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IMG_8183 * Miscellaneous subjects in 2009. First one: coucou! By the Trocadero fountains * 4368 x 2912 * (7.27MB)

IMG_8206 * To make it clear: my camera is tilted looking upwards. * 4162 x 2775 * (5.71MB)

IMG_8205 * How to make envious all the little girls passing by * 4368 x 2912 * (5.57MB)

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8/14/09 6:18 PM
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IMG_8218 * 2147 x 1432 * (2.34MB) * Once Place de la Revolution, here a lot of people were sentenced to death by guillotine by the revolutionaries. The obelisk is actually egyptian * 4291 x 2861 * (6.49MB) * 2852 x 3811 * (5.0MB)