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A weird looking shopping center at the Champs Elysees, right by the Etoile. The glasses are not dirty, they're "stained" with some digital looking patterns of little squares
IMG_8557 * 3838 x 2559 * (4.51MB)

IMG_8578 * 3046 x 2031 * (4.57MB)

IMG_8584 * On the same night, some guys made a skate-jumping show. This is the least crappy photo I could take, and I felt guilty too in shooting the flash on the jumper's face right at the pinnacle of his jump * 2210 x 3315 * (4.0MB)

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8/15/09 6:43 PM
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IMG_8671 * Life through an ashtray * 3701 x 2696 * (3.27MB)

IMG_9271 * 2912 x 2840 * (3.64MB)

IMG_9371-Edit * The Centre of Pompidou, a daring architecture (both in style and in functionality) contrasting a lot with the old traditional surrounding Quartier de l'Horloge. The building construction ended in 1977 ( I remember being there that year) and hosts - amongst others - a very nice and important museum of modern arts (which I also visited in 1977, well ok I didnt enjoy it so much at that time but I wish I had time now to do it...) * 4012 x 2395 * (4.96MB)